Collection of Publications from a Top Couples Therapist
The Couples Clinic® founder, Brent Atkinson’s insights into the automatic emotional processes of couples first emerged in professional journals prior to his completion of doctoral studies in 1985. In the late 1990s, his methods would gain significant recognition. In a series of articles published in the Psychotherapy Networker Magazine, Atkinson communicated the scientific evidence that couples therapists could no longer overlook. As a top couples therapist himself, Brent elaborated on the essential adjustments that practicing therapists needed to implement in order to enhance the support they offered to partners striving to improve their relationships.
Since then, Atkinson has authored and contributed to dozens of different publications discussing The Couples Clinic® Pragmatic/Experiential Therapy approach and other couples therapy topics. You can browse through many of them below.
Brent Atkinson (2015). Relationships and the neurobiology of resilience. In K. Skerrett & K. Fergus (Eds.), Couple Resilience: Emerging Perspectives. NY: Springer, pp. 107-120.
Brent Atkinson (2015). Mindfulness and the skillful navigation of relationships. Familiendynamik: Systemische Praxis und Forschung. 40(2), 106-117 (click here for English version).
Brent Atkinson (2014). The great deception: We’re less in control than we think. Psychotherapy Networker Magazine, January 2014 issue.
Brent Atkinson (2013). Mindfulness training and the cultivation of satisfying, secure couple relationships. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. 2(2), 73-94.
Brent Atkinson (2012). Pragmatic/Experiential Therapy for Couples. In A. Rambo, C. West, A. Schooley & T. Boyd (Eds.), Family Therapy Review: Contrasting Contemporary Models. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis.
Brent Atkinson (2011). Supplementing Couples Therapy with Methods for Reconditioning Emotional Habits. Family Therapy Magazine, 10(3), 28-32. Alexandria, VA: The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
Paul Weiss, Brent Atkinson, Ahna Young & Anna Larsen (2010). An Application of Pragmatic-Experiential Therapy for Couples. In D. Carlson & M. Casado-Kehoe (Eds.), Case Studies in Couples Therapy: Theory-Based Approaches. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis, pp. 249-261.
Brent Atkinson (2010). Rewiring Emotional Habits: The Pragmatic/Experiential Method. In A. Gurman (Ed.), Clinical Casebook of Couple Therapy. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 181-207.
Brent Atkinson (2010). Interview with Brent Atkinson on the brain and intimacy. In A. J. Carlson & L. Sperry (Eds.). Recovering intimacy in love relationships: A clinician’s guide. New York: Routledge, pp. 233-247.
Brent Atkinson (2007). Emotional Intelligence in Couples Therapy: An Interview with Brent J. Atkinson. Interview by MK Nieponski & J Duba-Onedera. The Family Journal, 15(4), 420-426.
Brent Atkinson, Lisa Atkinson, Paula Kutz, Jeff Lata, Kari Wittmann Lata, Julie Szekely, & Paul Weiss. (2005). Rewiring Neural States in Couples Therapy: Advances from Affective Neuroscience. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 24 (3), 3-13.
Brent Atkinson. (2005). Emotional intelligence in couples therapy: Advances from Neurobiology and the science of intimate relationships. New York: W. W. Norton, Publisher.
Brent Atkinson. (2006). Developing habits for relationship success: A Workbook for Effective, Neurobiologically-Based Couples Therapy. New York: W. W. Norton, Publisher.
Brent Atkinson. (2005). The Love Breakthrough. “O,” The Oprah Magazine, January 2005, pp. 128-131, 163-164.
Brent Atkinson. (2004). Altered states: Why insight itself isn’t enough for lasting change. September/October issue, Psychotherapy Networker.
Brent Atkinson. (2002). Brain to brain: New ways to help couples avoid relapse. September/October issue, Psychotherapy Networker.
Brent Atkinson. (1999). The emotional imperative: Psychotherapists cannot afford to ignore the primacy of the limbic brain. Family Therapy Networker, Cover story for the July/August issue.
Brent Atkinson. (1998). Optimistic outlook for LMFTs in Illinois. Illinois Family Therapist, 19, 1-2.
Brent Atkinson. (1998). Pragmatic/experiential therapy for couples. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 17, 18-35.
Brent Atkinson. (1997). The profession of marriage and family therapy. Illinois Family Therapist, 18(2), 2.
Brent Atkinson. (1997). What is the difference between personal therapy and person-of-the-therapist supervision. In C. Storm & T. Todd (Eds.), The reasonably complete systemic supervisor resource guide. Needham Heights, Mass: Allyn-Bacon, pp. 152-154.
Brent Atkinson. (1997). Informed consent form. In C. Storm and T. Todd (Eds.), The reasonably complete systemic supervisor resource guide. Boston: Allyn-bacon Publisher, in press, pp. 11-15.
Brent Atkinson. (1997). Risks and safeguards in person-of-the-therapist supervision. The Supervision Bulletin, 9(3), 4-5.
Brent Atkinson. (1996). IAMFT adopts new governance model. Illinois Family Therapist, 17(1), 1-2.
Brent Atkinson. (1993). Hierarchy: The imbalance of risk. Family Process, 32, 167-170.
Brent Atkinson. (1992). Aesthetics and pragmatics of family therapy revisited. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 18, 389-393.
Brent Atkinson. (1992). Evaluating qualitative research. AFTA Newsletter, 47, 15-18.
Heath, A., & Atkinson, B. (1992). Guest editors’ introduction to the special issue on qualitative research. AFTA Newsletter, 47, 5.
Brent Atkinson., Heath, A., & Chenail, R. (1991). Qualitative research and the legitimization of knowledge. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 17(2), 161-166.
Brent Atkinson, & Heath, A. (1990). Disadvantages of problem resolution: An extended conversation in therapy. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 9(4), 34-46.
Brent Atkinson, & Heath, A. (1990). The limits of explanation and evaluation. Family Process, 29(2), 164-167.
Brent Atkinson, & Heath, A. (1990). Further thoughts on second-order family therapy (This time it’s personal). Family Process, 29(2), 145-155.
Heath, A., & Atkinson, B. (1989). Solutions attempted and considered: Broadening assessment in brief therapy. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 8(3), 56-57.
Heath, A., & Atkinson, B. (1988). Systemic treatment of substance abuse: A graduate course. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 14(4), 411-418.
Heath, A., McKenna, B., & Atkinson, B. (1988). Toward the identification of variables for evaluating family therapy workshops. Journal of Martial and Family Therapy, 14(3), 267-276.
Brent Atkinson, & McKenzie, P. (1987). Family therapy with adolescent offenders: A collaborative treatment strategy. American Journal of Family Therapy, 15(4), 303-312.
Brent Atkinson, & Bailey, A. (1987). Family physician as strategic consultant. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 6(2), 74-75.
Brent Atkinson, & Heath, A. (1987). Beyond objectivism and relativism: Implications for family therapy research. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 6(1), 8-18.
McKenzie, P., Atkinson, B., Quinn, W., & Heath, A. (1986). Training and supervision in marriage and family therapy: A national survey. American Journal of Family Therapy, 14(4), 293-303.
Keeney, B., Thomas, F., Strano, J., Ridenour, N., Morris, J., McKenzie, P., Hood, C., Denmann, D., & Atkinson, B. (1987). Cybernetic approaches to weight control. In J. Harkaway (Ed.), Eating disorders. Rockville, Maryland: Aspen Publications, pp. 84-92.
Keeney, B., McKenzie, P., Atkinson, B., Denmann, D., Morris, J., Ridenour, N., Strano, J., & Thomas, F. (1987). A constructivist approach to clinical training. In B. Keeney (Ed.), Konstruktion therapeutischer wirklichkeiten: Praxis und theorie systemicscher therapie. (Tr.: Constructing therapeutic realities: Theory and practice of systemic therapies. Dortmund: Verlag Modernes Lernen, pp. 51-69.
Brent Atkinson, & Bailey, A. (1985). Teaching counseling skills to family practice residents: A proposal. Working Together, 1(2), 17.
Brent Atkinson, & McKenzie, P. (1985). One perspective on the researcher/practitioner dichotomy. Family Therapy News, 16, 4.
Quinn, W., Atkinson, B., & Hood, J. (1985). The stuck case clinic as a group supervision model. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 11(1), 67-73.
Brent Atkinson, McKenzie, P., & Keeney, B. (1985). The Multiple Vantage Profile: A computerized assessment of social interaction in family therapy. Journal of Psychotherapy and the Family, 1, 133-152.
Brent Atkinson, McKenzie, P., & Keeney, B. (1985). The Multiple Vantage Profile: A computerized assessment of social interaction in family therapy. In C. Figley (Ed.), Computers in Family Therapy. New York: Hawthorn Press.
Brent Atkinson, & McKenzie, P. (1984). Jack of all trades: Master of one: A model for doctoral training in family therapy. Family Therapy News, 15, 4.
Brent Atkinson, & McKenzie, P. (1984). The Personalized Spouse Observation Checklist: A computer-generated assessment of marital interaction. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 10(4), 427-429.