Jessica Medina
“My goal is to create a relaxed environment with zero judgement where you can really dig into the aspects of your relationship that just aren’t working. I want to help you learn the tools developed from decades of research that we know can create the connection and understanding so many of us crave to have with our partners. I want to work with you from day one to finally stop those habits that are keeping your from enjoying your relationship to the fullest. Life is short and I don’t want you to spend it frustrated with yourself or your partner due to communication and habits we know don’t work! It’s time to do the work and start enjoying your relationship!”
-Jessica Medina
Dr. Atkinson’s Endorsement:
Jessica is the real deal. What you see is what you get. She walks what she talks. No gimmicks. No wasted time. Just straight-forward, no-nonsense, step-by-step relationship guidance — offered in a way that goes down easy.
Jessica has an amazing ability to zero in on the core issues that trouble intimate partners, lead them out of dark places, and put them on firmer ground.
If you’re ready to get moving, she’s a great choice.
Jessica has been especially helpful to partners who come from different races, religions, and cultural backgrounds.
Jessica is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who received a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Illinois Chicago.
To schedule an appointment with Jessica, please call 630-232-7457.