Anya Nguyen
The exasperation begins boiling up as your jaw tightens. Biting your tongue and bracing yourself for a fight, yet again.
How many times do we have to do this same dance? How did we get here?
What used to be evenings of laughter and intimacy have devolved into petty arguments over dishes and decisions.
As the damage keeps accumulating, attempts to change the pattern are often futile… ending in feeling unheard or uncared for.
What if I told you, with effort and motivation, you and your partner can go from stepping on each other’s toes to waltzing through life together?
You might be thinking ‘Yeah right, I’ve tried everything and none of it lasted.’ We all tend to struggle in one way or another when it comes to the skills necessary to cultivate resilient, prosperous relationships. The goal is not to eliminate disagreements, but instead to resolve disagreements in a way where you both feel seen and valued. Using evidence-based methods, I can help you develop needed skills and learn new ways of engaging with your partner that strengthen your communication and connection. I will meet you where you are at, because your relationship challenges are unique and should be treated as such.
–Anya Nguyen
Anya is a bad ass! She has an innate ability to understand and relate to people. Often, clients feel like she is in their heads because of her uncanny ability to give words to their feelings. She is smart, quick-witted, compassionate, intuitive, and funny. She doesn’t take herself too seriously, but she is serious about the work she does and getting clients on the fast track to healthier relationships. Change takes time but if you are motivated, Anya will get you on the right path sooner rather than later. Relief and lasting change are right around the corner when you work with Anya!
Anya earned a BS in Child and Family Development and then followed with a MS in Marriage and Family Therapy from San Diego State University. Prior to receiving specialized training in Couples Therapy, Anya facilitated grief and bereavement counseling through hospice as well as family therapy services at a children’s clinic.
To schedule an appointment with Anya, please call 630-232-7457.