Kat Kwasnik
We are inherently creatures of habit. Sometimes the habit brings us comfort, like looking forward to the same cup of coffee every morning. Other times, the habit feels like we can’t seem to avoid it no matter what we try, like having the same old argument over and over.
If you’ve been at it long enough, it can start to feel like you are stuck on a rollercoaster with never-ending, jarring turns and no end in sight. You don’t know how you got there, and you do not know what to do.
Some friends and family may tell you to get out. Others might just tell you to ride it out. Neither of those options seem right so here you are, searching for a couples therapist.
Smart move.
Groundbreaking studies have revealed exactly how people who forge deeply satisfying relationships do it, and how hurting relationships can be restored. I will use the latest scientific knowledge about relationships to show you how to get things back on track, so that in the future you’re researching couples vacations instead of couples therapy!
–Kat Kwasnik
Kat is a ‘keep it real,’ no BS kind of person to talk to, but her directness is tempered by a soft delivery, which quickly puts her clients at ease.
In my time working with Kat, it’s become obvious how important it is to her to help every single person get to a better place with their relationship. If she were an ER doctor, she’d be the one relentlessly giving chest compressions, refusing to call Time of Death!
Kat joined our team already well educated academically and in life experience. She knows the importance of family and sticking together. Helping others overcome challenges is her specialty. If you choose Kat, you’ll be in good hands.
Kat graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Northern Illinois University. She went on to complete a Master’s Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy (SMFT) within the M.S. program in Applied Human Development and Family Sciences (AHDFS) program at NIU. Additionally, she holds a certificate of graduate study in trauma-informed counseling. Before receiving advanced training at The Couples Clinic, Kat provided individual, couple, and family therapy in St. Charles and DeKalb.
To schedule an appointment with Kat, please call 630-232-7457.