Looking for the best marriage counseling
in Illinois?

This week, thousands of partners around the world used our approach to
get their relationships back on track.

We can help you, too.

Has your whole world been turned upside down?

Does your partner seem disinterested? Do you feel unappreciated or taken for granted?

Has the connection between you been broken?

Does it feel like you’re just going through the motions?

Does your partner constantly find fault with you? Do you wonder if she or he will ever be satisfied?

Is your partner lazy, inconsiderate, selfish, or controlling?

Are you exhausted from the constant arguing?

We can help!

For over 35 years, we have been helping partners put their relationships back together.

Go to our website. Read our books and articles.

See what leading experts are saying about our methods.

Study our client reviews.

Then contact us for a free 20-minute consultation.

It won’t take long for you to sense that we have the commitment, passion and expertise needed to turn your relationship around.

Call 630-232-7457 today.

“Completely counterintuitive and wonderfully effective!”

-O’s Guide to Life: The Best of Oprah Magazine.

“Widely recognized”

-Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy

“A tour-de-force of scientific sophistication and clinical wisdom.”

– Editor, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy

What Clients
Have Said…

This clinic saved my marriage.

“This clinic saved my marriage.”

One of the most powerful & positive experiences I’ve had EVER!

“One of the most powerful & positive experiences I’ve had EVER!”

So many helpful things you don’t find in other approaches.

“So many helpful things you don’t find in other approaches.”

Surprisingly fast in helping rescue our marriage.

“Surprisingly fast in helping rescue our marriage.”

Our therapist was truly a master.

“Our therapist was truly a master.”

Different than anywhere I’ve been.

“Different than anywhere I’ve been.”

Our therapist got to the heart of the matter.

“Our therapist got to the heart of the matter.”

I love this research-based approach to couples counseling!

“I love this research-based approach to couples counseling!”

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